This is post number three hundred and one, which means three hundred photos posted over two hundred and ninety-nine days. While this is the half-way point in the project's run to five thousand photos uploaded to the supporting gallery, I've actually taken over six thousand pictures with my TS3.
So far I'd say that it has been a success.
Now I'm making a slight change. From this point on I won't be using the TS3 exclusively; instead most of the photos will probably be taken with the little beastie pictured here. (and naturally I have an accompanying Canon S100 review.)
The TS3 will undoubtedly make appearances again once the water thaws and the fountains start running again. But for now the days are very short and I'm looking for more creative control.
I've devised an elaborate way to identify the origin of the photos. All of my TS3 photos have been posted between noon and 1pm, so all of my S100 photos will be posted between 1pm and 2pm. That makes an easy and obvious way to distinguish between the two, but just in case, I'll also tag each photo accordingly.
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